We offer post surgery manual lymphatic drainage massage mobile across Essex including the areas of Thurrock, Basildon, Southend , Chelmsford , Brentwood, Romford , Colchester & Harlow.

Manual Lymphatic Drainage (MLD) is a specialised form of massage that has powerful cleansing, relaxing, pain relieving & immunological effects.

It is a gentle, flowing, rhythmic massage and can be applied to a wide range of physical conditions to great effect.
Post operative drainage massage assists with healing after surgery.

Carrying out a MLD in this instance will :
Quicken healing rate
Reduce post operative mental stress
Strengthen tissues
Reduce post operative complications

Please not post op lymphatic drainage massage isnt available to book online and is priced upon consultation which is free of charge .

From £70 depending  on location, requirements  and length of treatment

Please email info@honeybeetherapy.co.uk

or WhatsApp o7939225872